We integrate all your different data sources like ERP, CRM, Website, Google Analytics, SoMe, Point-of-sale, etc.
We structure all your data into one common dimensional data model, with just ‘one version’ of the truth.
Data visualization, dashboard design and User Experience design: we are experts in designing solutions that will actually be used.
With RPA we help you automate routine tasks and make your buisness even more efficient.
By utilizing the latest ML technologies, we get you to the next level with the data you have available.
We monitor your key systems and databases, and make sure that data are available 24/7.
Microsoft Power BI is a software solution where you can design Dashbords and Reports. Furthermore, the service provides interactive graphs and lots of opportunities for visualizing technical data.
Power BI has a range of features and advantages that brings instant value to users across the organization.
Microsoft Power Apps is a business software package that helps organizations create better apps.
The goal is to help organizations modernize their business processes and furthermore help the companies being more innovative with the new software solutions.
Microsoft Azure is a cloud-computing service that contains an initial setup as servers, storage and devolopers which under normal circumstances are very expensive.
It is a complete package that helps you do a large range of tasks. This includes Application development, Testing, Application hosting, Creating Virtual Machines etc.
By using Microsoft Azure you can quickly and cheaply setup the right resource environment for your business.