Poul Schmith/Kammeradvokaten, Wikborg Rein and Simonsen Vogt Wiig are Denmark and Norways largest law firms and have all been on a major digitalization journey throughout the recent years. At this event you will get their different perspectives on digitalization and how they facilitate the digital transitions throughout their organization. Furthermore, Deltek will present how they ensure that their solution is up-to-date and the right choice for the legal industry in the future.
There’s a 25 participant limit at this event – secure your spot here!
8.30: Coffee, networking and welcome by John Stensborg from Junu.io 9.15: Creating an environment for data-driven decision Management / Martin Blicher Sawhney, Junu.io 9.45: Power Launch for Legal / Hans Henrik Furøy, Deltek 10.15: Break 10.45: From reactive to proactive value creation / Steffen Wefring, Wikborg Rein 11:15: Composable ERP for law firms / Peter van Dam, Simonsen Vogt Wiig 11.45: Visions and reality: Experiences from Denmark’s largest law firm / Louise Krarup, Poul Schmith/Kammeradvokaten 12.15: Lunch and networking